The More details, the better quoteIn the past when dealing with a Chevy dealer, the advice would have been don't tell them anything. Well that may be one approach, but we suggest give us the pertinent information, with all the rebates and complex promotions from the factory, the more information you can give us the more complete and competitive quote we can get you. It is not information that will diminish your negotiating power, rather it is information that will maximize your savings.
Here are some Frequently Asked Questions: Why are you asking if I am a USAA Member? Because I can access an additional $750 in savings on most (not all) models. Why do you need my Zipcode? The Chevy dealer is checking to see if you are in the manifest, this is a list of customer that have been mailed or emailed savings. The savings can be great, up to $3000 in addition. If you lived at another house in another state still check these zipcodes, again we want to save you money. Why does the year of my trade matter? Sometimes we have loyalty discounts and we need to see if they meet the criteria to access these rebates. |